Calgary Public Relations Company
Matterhorn PR is not your typical PR agency; we are leaders at public relations representation within an overall business and marketing structure. We are marketers first – public relations is just one tool.
You don’t need traditional media driven PR! I’m serious, you don’t need this PR even a little bit.
Traditional PR is dead. All of the journalists retired 30 years ago; the next wave were writers for media companies who were fired 3 years ago. There’s no one left who cares about a good story.
You might get lucky and be used as an expert source, but that’s about it.
Since PR is dead, how are you going to get the attention you need for your business?
Digital Marketing – you become the publisher, you create your own PR.3>
These are your new PR tools.
If you follow Twitter or Reddit, you’ll notice stories break there first. Reddit’s r/calgary and r/alberta have all the relevant stories break there first. If a story gets enough upvotes, then traditional media may pick up the story and print it in a newspaper no one reads or on a TV news program that no one watches.
More people will hear your positive business story on LinkedIn, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube than from any local newspaper or TV station.
Digital marketing has become so powerful that five years ago, I stopped my cold calling lead generation business and used its website to promote SEO, Google Ads, and Social Media. Now, I’m doing the same for Matterhorn PR; forget writing press releases and hoping a news writer picks it up. Run the story yourself and control the process.
What’s even better is that you can measure everything from page views, length of time on the page, likes, shares, comments, and even how people found your story.
Not only is traditional media driven PR a waste of your time, its replacement is even better than PR ever was.
If you are a progressive thinker, then call us and let us build your brand better than the media ever could.
David Howse
Tel: (403) 991-8863
*The only reason I think any form of media relations still exists is the romanticized notion of credibility in traditional PR. The ability to write on your website, “As seen on X TV show,” or “See the story about us in X magazine/newspaper” is still something that the 50-year-old plus generation may still care about… but that’s about it.
Our History 
Matterhorn PR started shortly after Matterhorn Business Solutions and Bill Borger Jr. worked together on Bill’s $600,000 Calgary Handi-Bus fundraiser / Mount Everest Expedition of May 2011. This collaboration began in November of 2010 and saw Bill become the first-Canadian-ever (fifth-ever in the world) to have both swum the English Channel and to have climbed Mt. Everest.
Not only was over $500,000 raised for the Calgary Handi-Bus but together Bill and our Matterhorn PR team created a blueprint for public relations management, strategies, and tactics. This blueprint has since been used for MANY of our clients.
The testimony to this venture is that Bill and our leadership now share a strong friendship and they regularly meet to discuss business strategies for Borger Group of Companies and for Matterhorn PR.
It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.
– Warren Buffet
Your Story Defines Our Success
Below are a few examples of the recent projects we have worked on. We provide public relations services in Calgary for: Prominent business people – New Businesses -News-worthy developments in existing businesses – Not-for-profit events – Crisis management – General PR management
Borger Mt Everest
READ MORE...Using Pre-Fabricated Materials to Rebuild Fort McMurray
READ MORE...Century Down Racetrack And Casino
READ MORE...Q Haute Cuisine – Celebrating Ten Years as Calgary’s Premiere Dining Destination
READ MORE...Andrea Kladar’s 100 for 100
READ MORE...World Petroleum Congress 2017 Bid
READ MORE...Canadian Pump and Compressor – Owen Myhre
READ MORE...We do public relations in Calgary and around the world!

You don’t have to be the most famous to be front and center
Almost everyone has heard of Mount Everest but if a photo of Everest was in a random line-up of other mountain photos very few would be able to pick it out. Unlike Everest, The Matterhorn is easily the most recognizable mountain but it is only a small fraction the size of Everest. Sometimes you can’t compete head-on with number one and in those cases you need a good strategy to maximize what you do have.
Inspired HR partners with Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In foundation and the NBA/WNBA to bring #LeanIn Together to Canada.
CALGARY AB (March 5, 2015) – Calgary HR company, Inspired HR is excited to announce that we have partnered with LeanIn.Org and the NBA/WNBA to bring #LeanInTogether to Canada. Lean In Together is focused on men and their important role in reaching equality. Read more on #LeaninTogether in Canada.#LeaninTogether in Canada.
Learn More
What’s Your Story?
Welcome to Matterhorn PR, a Calgary-based PR firm with a global reach. If you are a member of the media and are looking for information on one of our clients, click on his or her name on the above menu. If you can’t find what you are looking for please call 403-991-8863.
Matterhorn PR offers a very hands-on public relations and marketing service to high profile businesses and people. Several Calgary YPO members, not all of whom are listed on this website, use our service because:
- We have an outstanding track record – all of our business comes from referrals, we don’t solicit
- We understand the nature of your personal life and your business life and we create a custom strategy that works for both
- David Howse, the Director of Communications of Matterhorn PR (and Marketing Strategist and Business Consultant at Matterhorn Business Solutions), manages your PR and only hands off less sensitive tasks to his team
The Associated Press is probably the most important news service AP. There are many companies that support public relations efforts such as PR News Wire but many of them are not worth the fees. Results tend to be poor.